Bellbird Public School

Inspirational, Nurturing, Unique

Telephone02 4990 2331

It's Healthy Harold Time

Healthy Harold

The Life Education Van will be visiting our school from Friday 16th-Wednesday 21st June. Healthy Harold and the Life Education Team have been visiting schools for over 40 years, supporting student wellbeing by promoting healthy lifestyles. This includes covering topics such as personal safery, cybersafety, drugs and alcohol, health eating and physical activity. 

The program this year will be at no cost to students thanks to the generous support of Clubs NSW.

Bellbird students will be spending time in the van with Harold and his specially trained educator during Weeks 8 and 9. Each stage will be involved in sessions which support learning from our Personal Development/Health/Physical Education syllabus on the following topics:

Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten)  - Friendships

·       How to build friendships and care for others

·       Identifying and managing feelings and emotions

·       Recognising body clues that let us know when we could be unsafe

·       Safe people and places to seek help

Stage 1 – Ready! Steady! Go!

·       Identifying how our body reacts in new situations

·       Benefits of physical activity

·       What our body needs to be healthy including nutrition, water, and sleep

·       Safety strategies in different environments

Stage 2 – Friends and Feelings

·       Broadening and developing emotional literacy

·       Identifying and practising assertive communications skills

·       Practising emotional regulation skills such as mindful breathing

Stage 3 – Think Twice

·       Strategies to reduce the harmful effects of alcohol on themselves and others.

·       Myths and facts surrounding the use of alcohol

·       Physical, social & legal consequences of alcohol use

·       Strategies for responding to encouragement or pressure to drink

We look forward to hanging out with Harold in the coming week, and learning about keeping happy, safe and having a healthy lifestyle.

If you need anymore information about the life education program, please speak to your child’s teacher.