Bellbird Public School

Inspirational, Nurturing, Unique

Telephone02 4990 2331

External service provision


Bellbird Public School continues to experience increasing demand from parents and external providers wishing to access the school for student support appointments/sessions.

In addition to this 2021 has thrown additional challenges an opportunities our way including:

  •  An Increase in students leading to previous available school spaces being used for additional classes.
  • Additional in-class support staff and programs aligned with federal government COVID funding, with a particular focus on the first few hours of the day.

With this in mind we may not be able to accommodate external providers to the extent we have previously been able to during school hours. The NDIS Operational Guidelines state that: “NDIS-funded…therapy services should generally not be delivered at school… Nor should children or young people be taken out of school to receive these supports.” As a school however, we do understand that there may be occasions where the delivery of an NDIS-funded or external service at the school is appropriate and in the best interests of the students involved. In these cases applications can be made by parents wishing to apply for services to be conducted on school site.

As detailed in the attached guide for service providers, the principal has discretion to decide whether or not an external service provider can enter the school and how arrangements will be managed for the provider’s activity with students, where access is agreed. This decision is on a case by case basis considering the individual circumstances of the student or group of students concerned and the wider needs of the school. Any decision should take into account the educational needs and priorities of the student or group of students, including access to the curriculum, the impact on student’s learning programs, the school’s operational context and duty of care obligations towards all students and staff.


We ask all parents/providers wishing to access external provision during school hours  to complete a new application at the beginning of each year. Each application will be assessed by the school’s learning support team on its merit, taking into account need and available space and times. This ensures that the students involved, their peers and school staff and not adversely affected by any disruptions caused by these provisions. To increase the success of applications, we ask that all providers consider applying for times after 1pm,  the use of outdoor spaces and/or during lunch play times (11.30-12pm). 

Application for external provider during school hours (to be completed by service provider/parent and signed by parent)

Information for parents and carers requesting delivery of extenal services -fact sheet

Information for external providers  -fact sheet